About Us
It takes a village - and enough resources - to raise and educate our children.
Our PTA is set up to help create a bridge between home and school. Our partnership will pool knowledge, talents, and skills to serve our youngsters better.
Your involvement does make a difference! As your PTA, we aim to foster a strong sense of community and school spirit and to enhance our children's educational, social, and developmental experiences at school.
Every year, our PTA helps oversee the school's needs and development. We also raise funds to provide our students with various events and programs. The parents, faculty, and staff support and involvement are critical to success.
We encourage you to participate in and support our school activities and events. Your involvement and participation directly impact your child's experience at school and is vital to their success, as well as ours.

2023-2025 Executive Board
Leanne Scaturro - President
Michele Reynolds - VP, Membership
Kelly Couillou - VP, Class Parents/Family Engagement
Melissa Bressette - Treasurer
Madelyn Jelinski - Corresponding Secretary
Christine Aiosa - Recording Secretary